
Choux Box Kits Club

Shoe boxes are amazing!  Think about it - they not only can hold a cool pair of shoes, but also a treasured collection.  When I was a kid a shoe box made the absolute best valentine mailbox and I love looking through old photos that are often the occupants of a shoebox!

Choux Box Kits are a lot the same - a cool collection of goodies to make an awesome project!

The Choux Box Kits Club is the easiest club ever:  no dues, no minimums.  Just fun!

If you're a member of the Choux Box Kits Club, you will get early notice by email of available kits.  Sometimes only a small number of kits are available, so it's always
First Come, First Serve.

The price of kits vary - it depends on the goodies!  (A little bit about shipping:  I try very hard to ship the cheapest way possible.  Some club members have me keep their kits and send everything they've ordered once a month.  It's totally up to you.  If you're local, we can arrange pickup.)

Choux Box Kits come with everything you need, except adhesives.

You have the fun of making a unique creation without having to find all the pieces.  You get complete  instructions for each project.

How do you become a member of the Choux Box Kits Club?  Fill out the form below.  It's that easy!

I asked a  Choux Box Kits Club charter member, Jean,  to tell a little bit about her experience with the club.  Here's what she said:

"I'm so excited about the Choux Box Kits Club.  I love all the ideas Lori comes up with and have already been ordering kits to make cards and other fun items to give for holidays, birthdays, etc...  Her kits have everything you need with specific instructions and pictures and all at a reasonable cost.  To me, a kit from Lori saves having to shop for all the decorations needed for a project and I don't have to worry about having extra supplies that I'll never use again.  Take it from me, you will love making any of Lori's beautiful cards and other projects to give to family, friends, coworkers, neighbors...they are unique and one of a kind.  I am so blessed that I met Lori and I look forward to more of her amazing kits!"

Thank you, Jean!

Sign Up for Choux Box Kits Club

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