
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Something New!

Something New is the theme at Paper Issues this month.  This is a new set of cards that I designed for my mom.
  Actually, I took a 'something old' idea and made it new.  If these look somewhat familiar, it's because I scraplifted myself!  I made a birthday calendar awhile back which I gave to my mom and made the cards to match it.
  I love silhouettes, so I adore these stamps.  They're small - just perfect for the vintage postcard!
  The cards were cut with my Cricut - such a pretty shape.  Kind of fun to make something old into something new! 

I also just got some exciting news that I should be able to share in the next couple of days...stay tuned!


  1. These are gorgeous! I love silhouettes too, these are so pretty! Hope you have a fabulous New Year!

  2. Oh my, what a fabulous gift to your mother Lori! She's going to be sooooo thrilled!! I've always been fond of silhouettes myself, did quite a lot of cutting in the past, LOL! Thank goodness there are stamps now!! Ira

  3. I love silhouettes! My lady-reading-silhouette-bookmark is still my favorite. Although I do love my new bookmarks from Christmas!

  4. Oh My Goodness!!! These are so fab!!!!

  5. That is so pretty, I can't take my eyes off your beautiful work!
