
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Burlap + Gold

Burlap with gold... LOVE this burlap with gold accent circles that I got at JoAnn's.  I saw it right as I went in the door and made a beeline for it.  (With Dennis trailing behind, of course!  He's so sweet to go wherever I want to.)

Love it even more with one of Nicecrane Designs wonderful vintage images.  Isn't she pretty?

She's just one of the beauties in the Women Paintings III set:

See?  They're all pretty!  

This bag was super easy to make. 

Decide on size of bag.
Add 1/2 inch to width and double the length and add 2 inches.
(Example:  this bag is 5" x 6 1/2", so I cut a rectangle of burlap 5 1/2" x 15 inches.)
Fold in half with right sides together.  Sew a 1/4" seam on
each side.
Turn right side out. 
Turn top to inside 1" and glue.  (You could sew, but Aileene's glue worked great!)
Sew ribbon handles in at seam.

So fun to give with a thoughtful gift inside and don't forget to visit Nicecrane Designs to pick out a pretty image to make it extra special!  

Now for a special treat for you!  I'll send  enough of the gold circle accent burlap to make two bags this size to one lucky person.  Just leave me a comment that you would like to win.  Using random selection, I'll announce the winner on Sunday (comments will close at 6:00 pm cst).  

 Thank you so much for stopping by...


  1. What a cute bag Lori.-and all over with a special vintage style. What a great idea to add my Women pict, on the gold burlap,,,,,it looks amazing,,,,horayyyyyyyyyy for Lori-

  2. Looks great with the vintage image. thanks for the chance.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  3. Beautiful creation. Love that burlap, would make awesome little Christmas gift bags! TFS

  4. GASP! Of course I want to be in the running to score some burlap with gold. You find the coolest stuff Lori, but what you make with it blows my mind! Your creations with Ignacio's images are beautiful!
    Lisa x

  5. How pretty...frankly I've not been very keen on the whole burlap craze but you have made it adorable. Who would thought such sweet feminine things could be paired with rough ol' burlap...but it works...its lovely...the little friend tag is especially sweet. I'd love to win one....maybe I'll give burlap a try...Patti m :)

  6. Oh Lori, I love all your designs! This lovely lady, and the burlap and gold is just another gorgeous project that I'd love to re-create! The gold works so well with the burlap...kinda like leather and lace! Lol. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  7. That look's really great Lori. These would make super adult party/christmas bags. Ignacio's cool ladies look fab there. I love the sound of the giveaway but fully understand if you are not happy to post internationally. Have a great weekend x

  8. Fabulous bag, Love the burlap & gold...the bag is amazing would make a wonderful gift...thanks for the chance...Hugs May x x x
