
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Vintage Halloween Cuteness!

Besides creating, what do you like to do?  I love to visit Lauren, have lunch with Dennis and with my parents, I love to read (zombies are a guilty pleasure), I love a vintage find!  I am in love with these darling pumpkin and black cat decorations.  Not exactly sure what they were, someone thought maybe a cake topper.  They are too big for a cupcake.   Well, whatever they were, I decided I would turn them into ornaments.

Some ribbon, twine, button, glittery black cat and star later (along with some fighting with the hot glue gun), I was perfectly happy!  This will make a nice addition to my Halloween decorations!  This little item was one of the Choux Box Kits.  A few other lovely ladies will be adding this cutie to their Halloween decorations, too!  

Hope you're having a lovely week and I'm so glad you stopped by!