
Monday, November 5, 2018

Fall Scarecrow and Vintage Wishbone Kids

I love fall and Thanksgiving!   The cool weather, the colors and the Thanksgiving dinner.  

This will be the first year since Louisa was born that they've lived close enough to come for Thanksgiving.  Can't wait to have them and get back to fixing our traditional goodies.  Pecan Pie, anyone?

Scarecrows are perfect for fall, of course.  I've had this one for a year and finally had time to create a card.  I've combined images from several stamp sets to create the scene.

Had so much fun coloring all these sweet images!

Speaking of sweet, aren't these kids adorable?  Love the huge wishbone.  I created a Z-fold card that when opened reveals more of the image and that cute turkey. 

A band of vellum keeps it closed.

You can download the kids below.  The download also includes the Make A Wish (slightly off the edge), so that if you want to make a card like this one, all you have to do is cut off the top portion of the paper and a little bit off the right side, then fold.

Download Wishbone Kids HERE.

Are you like Louisa and her mommy and daddy planning to travel for Thanksgiving?  Or are you like me, cooking with everyone coming to you?


  1. How cute scarecrow! You made an adorable scene with all the different stamps, it makes me smile! Sweet colouring, I'm sure you have had so much fun making this card! :) Love the z-fold card too!
    Have a fabulous Thanksgiving day with the sweet Louisa and your family!

  2. They are simply darling Lori! Super cute images and fun card designs! It's my favorite time of year as well... The cool crisp air and pretty Fall Colors make me feel all giddy inside!
    How exciting to have Louisa over for Thanksgiving this year! YAY for moving closer! LOL You guys will have a ball and make so many wonderful memories! Save me a piece of that pie! I love Pecan Pie! :) Have a wonderful week!


  3. Oh, how darling are your fall cards, Lori! Very sweet images in lovely color! I love fall, too! The leaves have gorgeous color, so pretty! How wonderful to have your family close enough to come for Thanksgiivng! Little Louisa is always a precious treat for you I’m sure! Enjoy! I wish for you and family a blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. How cute! I just love the scarecrow and fun turkey! I know you're going to enjoy your Thanksgiving with Louisa and family! We've been invited out and I'm looking forward to it!

  5. this is just adorable...and those wish bone kids, too cute for words!!!

  6. Both is so cute and beautiful -love scarecrow card and the z-fold is so pretty as well!

    You have such nice designs always Lori!
    Big hugs, Susi

  7. Oh my, these cards are so rich with colour and cheer. Beautifully designed and embellished gorgeously. Your colouring is so perfect x

  8. Oh wow, how wonderful to have them come for Thanksgiving. My daughter couldn't make it back but my sister and her hubby are coming.
    Your scarecrow is just adorable, as are the little images to go with it, terrific coloring.
    Love the vintage image and the fun way you are sharing them with your fold card!

  9. Count me in for the pecan pie! So glad you can all get together for Thanksgiving this year! The images are so sweet & you've made them into such darling cards, Lori! Love your little scarecrow scene, coloring & using the vellum band for the adorable pilgrim card!

  10. Wonderful scene making and fabulous colouring on your super sweet scarecrow card. Adorable z fold card with a gorgeous image and love the vellum band idea too. Pecan pie sounds great to me too x

  11. Fabulous Fall cards Lori, they are both lovely.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  12. Ohmyword!! SO cute! I am absolutely in love with your scarecrow scene! Super adorable, and your soft coloring is just beautiful! That vintage image is really fabulous, too. LOVE the z-fold card design you created with it. Such a fun surprise to open it up and reveal even more cuteness!
    Most of my family doesn't live near me, so Thanksgiving is usually pretty quiet. But both my kids are coming home for a few days,and I'm so excited. It will be the first time my son's come back since leaving for medical school in August. Yay!! Hope you have an absolutely amazing time with your sweeties!

  13. These cards are precious Lori. Boy does that pecan pie sound good but unless there's a way to make it taste the same minus the sugar I'll be going without this year. :-(

  14. These cards are so cute. I will try doing this one.
    Pool Removal Joliet
