
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Lonely Photo Card

That post title ought to say something about photo cards - plural.  However, my computer had some major issues and my folder labeled CARDS 2014 (along with CARDS 2013 and 2012) totally disappeared!  Do you remember that commercial awhile back where the guy threw his computer out a second story window?  I had my bedroom window open...

My daughter thinks I'm jinxed when it comes to electronics.  She's always saying "Only you, Mom!"  Well, I ended up getting a new computer and am trying to adjust.

You may remember my post about Suzanne and her photos.  I've created quite a few cards for her since then, but I only have photos of this one, because I did it this week. You'll just have to take my word for it:  I had a lovely one of Suzanne's aunt's garden that I really wanted to share.  

Luckily, I like this one, too!  The photo is so sweet with the donkey (burro? mule?) standing there with the wooden walk-a-long.  We have to take friends where we find them, right?  Maybe they need to get him a playmate!

I'm off trying to relearn Photoshop Elements (I upgraded to PSE12 from PSE8).  Yikes, who knew it would be so different?  

Have a lovely rest of your week!


  1. heehee what a cute photo.. totally love this

  2. OMgoodness Lori, I hope you had those files backed up somewhere?? This card is a little beauty x

  3. What a fun card Lori. Hope you were able to retrieve your data or at least have a backup.

    Toni xx

  4. Love your card, shame about your computer, you might need to do Afackups, always a good idea!!!

  5. What a fab idea! Love the idea of using a photo! Hope you were able to save your data. I had computer troubles a few weeks ago and I've been doing nightly back-ups ever since. It's a pain but will save so much pain down the road. One technician told me my hard drive has bad sectors. It's still working and Dell tells me it's fine but I'm not taking any chances! Good luck with your new computer and programs!

    1. I do backup my files - but believe it or not the ones that are missing aren't on the backup either! My computer guy thinks I had a virus that began corrupting my files and I just wasn't with it enough to check my backup to make sure I was getting everything! I learned a lesson the hard way...

  6. So cute Lori!! I love the rope on the fence, everthing ties together perfectly!!

  7. These are gorgeous Lori.. Have fun with your new computer..Loz

  8. That news is horrible, but the card wonderful!!! Love the colors that really accent the landscape. :)

  9. This is so pretty and love the addition of the rope. Oh no about the files!! What a loss - I know if mine got lost I would be so upset. Hope you are adjusting to the new computer too. Have a better weekend.

  10. I'm not kidding when I say the things that happen to you are...special. :-) Good luck with the new computer and the new photoshop elements. I'm on Photoshop CS3 and I think they're up to CS6, so I may have to upgrade sometime soon. (Not looking forward to paying for it, though. Ouch.)

  11. This turned out so cute. I was thinking about upgrading my Photoshop.. Hummm now I am a bit nervous. I hope you have an awesome weekend..


  12. That is such a fun creation Lori! What a fab idea to tie that rope to the fence, makes the scene look so real! Enjoy playing PSE ;-)
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  13. I'm about to buy a new pc also, don't know why I"ll find some way to screw it up. I too do some kind of bad magic on electronics besides fact I'm very digitally challenged. Believe the idea of throwing this very frustrating machine out a window has occurred way too many times in my life. Hubs bought me an exterior hard drive for gift over year ago and I don't know to tell pc to store it on that instead of p/c's hard drive. Duh. Told ya. Every once in while I have to go thru my downloads to delete them past holidays I've saved things for. If that helps I don't know, Does having too many old emails on system slow it down? Cause I have literally hundreds from months ago when pc was out of commission. I've paid so much money to get this pc fixed too many times due to me messing it up. Don't ask please don't ask. Happy weekend
