Foxes. Foxes. Foxes. Are you tired of foxes? Well, I decided I am NOT tired of foxes. Especially when I have these two adorable fox valentines to give!
This Fox is so sweet. Fun to color! What could be better than adding a chocolate bar? I must not be tired of this paper, either. You might remember it from the kitty valentine last week. I wrapped a hershey bar in white 28 lb Hammermill Copy Paper. The paper is nice, thick, and slick. It feels like nice wrapping paper. The ends are secured with some heart washi tape.
Adorable. Foxes. What could be better than having this fox valentine as a printable?
You know what else I think is adorable: my baby granddaughter, Louisa! She is 3 months old today. I just got back from visiting. Do you remember the unicorn (and the cute unicorn tag) I gave her for Christmas? Here she is hanging on to the unicorn in her car seat on the way to Union Station. The unicorn ended up being the first thing that she's hung on to!
The day before (again at lunch), she's in her stroller licking her unicorn like it's ice cream!
Thank you for allowing me to indulge my grandma-itis for a moment.
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So, are you feeling foxy? So glad you stopped by!